Balance and the pursuit of excellence

Working at the bench!

While it may look like my pinky finger is ready to casually hold a tea biscuit, in reality it is helping to keep my hand steady. Filing metal requires pressure. It is not soft and malleable like clay, you need to put some strength behind it. As I am pushing the file into this ring I am also pushing my hand against the bench pin. This helps to stabilize the ring so I can out some pressure on it and file away. My little finger is up in the air to help with the balance of the whole procedure.

Every action requires balance.

Creating using our hands reminds us of the importance of process. As we advance through the process of anything we see improvement. We learn techniques to make things more efficient and more precise. We refine our process by discovering ways to create balance.

Balance is what allows is to stand on one foot effortlessly. It is why sports professionals, musicians, artists and teachers make things look easy. It is balance that is the key to achieving excellence. To create balance in a part of your life you feel it is missing mindfully focus on your process and strive for excellence.

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