Language and voice work closely with the laws of manifestation.

Energy follows thought.

Thoughts are given life through vocalization.

Your voice creates a vibration which gives energy a direction in which to manifest.

Our future is being shaped by the vibrations of our thoughts and words!

The study of Nada Yoga recognizes the role of sound in the quest for enlightenment.

In sanskrit the word "Nada"  translates to sound. The sanskrit word Yoga means to unite. Therefore we can define Nada Yoga as unity through sound. Basically in this type of yoga we are using sound as a tool to connect with the true self and transcend  physical boundaries.

A nada yogi believes that the whole world is a projection of sound itself.  Therefore everything, including human beings, is made up of sound vibrations.  The philosophy of Nada Yoga states that there are two types of sounds, "anhata" which refers to outer sounds, and "anahata" which refers to the sound within.  This sound within is one's own personal vibrations.

When we think of sound we usually relate that to the sounds around us but in fact we have many sounds within us. To hear one's inner sound we must practice the art of listening. This can be done through meditation practice. While most people assume meditation is the absence of thought in reality it is the quieting of the mind so we are in tune enough with our own self to listen to our inner vibrations.

When we allow our mind to focus on something using our full attention we will often find moments of bliss. We can relate this to dancing, making love or listening to our favourite piece of music. In order to focus fully we must remove the noise from our minds so we can hear the sounds within and find the joy which comes from accessing the true self.

Music can be used as a tool to aid the mind in this journey. Pleasurable sounds or vibrations can help to tune the body's frequencies to create harmony within. When we achieve this inner harmony we are able to focus and listen to our inner sounds.   The practice of Nada Yoga can take the mind into places beyond the audible sound. By clearing the noise present in the mind we  can find union with the nada.

Carrying this awareness of sound, vibrations and the art of listening with us through our everyday life will uplift the spirit and attract positive vibrations into our life. Energy attracts energy and our blissful vibrations will naturally tune into others positive vibrations creating a harmony which will resonate in all aspects of our life.




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